4D Analytics


Last updated: July 10, 2020

Widget size: 2 x 1

A comparison widget compares time tag data from a point with the same time tag data recorded the previous period, by default this is set to a year-on-year comparison. Optionally, applying the date of installation (using the last time tag entry of a specified point) will allow a comparison of pre- and post- installation data for the easy comparison of how data has been affected before and after an installation. Drilling down through the graph will display the comparison in more detail using yearly/monthly/daily/hourly values.

The ‘Start month’ determines the starting point for the month view in the widget.

The ‘Startup View’ determines which view (year, month, or day) the widget will initially display when it is loaded.

The ‘No. Of days to look back’ determines how many days the widget should look back for data. For example, if the data is arriving one day after it is recorded, then No. Of days to look back should be set to 1; this is to prevent the widget from attempting to display data before it is in the system.

Customised periods can be selected, so Year, Month, or Day views can be viewed with a customised lookback period (e.g., every 3rd day, 2nd week etc.). If selected, then the custom period of Year is relevant to all views; year, month, and day. Month is only relevant to month and day views, while Day is relevant to only day views.

If ‘compare period’ is set to THISPERIODVSLASTPERIOD, then the widget will display a comparison between the current data and the data for the previous iteration of the current view (e.g., this month vs last month or today vs yesterday).


Value Default Comment
Widget Heading Comparison Enter the name of the widget as it is to appear in the heading.
Compare Period THISYEARVSLASTYEAR - The default setting. Compares a monthly/daily/hourly value from a year against the equivalent value from the previous year. THISPERIODVSLASTPERIOD - Compares a monthly value against the same monthly value from the previous year./Compares a daily value against the same daily value from previous month/Compares an hourly value against the same hourly value of the previous day. THISPERIODVSCUSTOMPERIOD - When this is selected, it will respond to the custom period and custom lookback configurations.
Start Month January Start month for the widget.
Startup View YEAR YEAR/MONTH/DAY when widget is initially loaded. Only works with "Compare Period" of THISYEARVSLASTYEAR or THISPERIODVSLASTPERIOD.
No. of Days to Look Back 0 Select number of days to look back when Startup view is set to DAY. Only works with Day view.
Custom Period YEAR YEAR/MONTH/WEEK/DAY to compare custom data. Only applicable when Compare Period is set to THISPERIODVSCUSTOMPERIOD.
Custom Lookback 1 Number of periods to look back on (i.e., if Custom Period is set to WEEK and Custom Lookback is set to 2, it will compare data of 2 weeks ago). Only applicable when Compare Period is set to THISPERIODVSCUSTOMPERIOD.
Custom Drilldown A drilldown to Multiple Charts or Comparison Chart will take the user to the last 7 days of data irrespective of the date being viewed in the widget. Specify the Comparison Chart URL (comparisonChart.jsp) or the Single Charts URL (multipleCharts.jsp)
Drilldown Target actionFrame This is only effective when loop through periods is set to NO. Decide if you want the drilldown to open in a new window, same page, etc.
  • actionFrame - The drilldown opens in the same frame (this is default)
  • _blank - The drilldown opens in a new window or tab
  • _self - The drilldown opens in the same frame; this is the widget
  • _parent - The drilldown opens in the parent frame; this is the dashboard
  • _top - The drilldown opens in the full body of the window; this is the entire application space
Loop Through Periods YES Continuous loop through of time periods. Year > Month > Day then back to Year > Month > Day, etc. If set to NO, then from Day view the drilldown will go directly to Single Chart.
Show day names? 0 If set to YES and the graph is viewed per day, then the day name is also displayed with the date. Defaults to NO.
Custom NO DATA text NONE Customise text when graph displays no data.
Summary SUM Select what summary the data should be: AVG/MAX/MIN/SUM/COUNT.
Refresh Period No Refresh Select a refresh period from the drop-down, from between 15 seconds to 1 hour, or no refresh at all.


Drag and drop the required points for the respective comparison points from the tree.

Value Description New PointID
POINT1 Point Point for comparison
BASELOAD Base Load This configuration is deprecated.
DATEINSTALLED Installed Date Uses the last time tag entry of the specified PointID
POINTMONTH Point - Month This configuration is deprecated.